Individual-based model of juvenile eel movement parametrized with computational fluid dynamics-derived flow fields informs improved fish pass design

Published in Royal Society open science, 2020

We assessed the passage efficiency of eel passes using de novo cellular automata and individual-based. We quantified the relationship between passage efficiency (proportion of passage attempts that are successful), flow rate, and passage inclination; highlighting the need for shallower inclinations to facilitate the passage of younger eels.

This paper presents two models of elver passage through an eel pass; a cellular automata and an individual-based model. Each model was informed by velocities and flow depths predicted by a computational fluid dynamics model. The individual-based model approximates measured passage efficiencies better than the cellular automata. Passage efficiency was greatest for shallow slopes, low discharges and large elvers. The results of this should inform practitioners to improve eel pass designs and installations.

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Recommended citation: Padgett, T. E., Thomas, R. E., Borman, D. J., & Mould, D. C. (2020). Individual-based model of juvenile eel movement parametrized with computational fluid dynamics-derived flow fields informs improved fish pass design. Royal Society open science, 7(1), 191505.